Call for papers 2025 – CTI SYMPOSIUM USA

CTI Visual

We are recruiting the experts of innovative and sustainable mobility to join the CTI stage next May.

Ready to tell your project story at CTI stage? We can´t wait to know more!

All presentation proposals will be forwarded to the program committee which will decide about the proposal acceptance.

If your presentation proposal is accepted, you will receive further details and style sheets for the documents together with our confirmation.

You are welcome to hand in several topic proposals.

Note: If you experience the Error “Forbidden 403” this might be caused by security settings with your company.

We regret this inconvenience, but here are two solutions:

  • Using a private PC
  • Contacting Svenja Palm from our team, she will provide you a document via e-mail


Extended Deadline for paper proposal submissions
01 November 2024

Information about the evaluation result:
Begin of February 2025

Publishing date of the program
February 2025

Deadline for presentation material submission
Mid of April 2025


Project Management Sylvia Zenzinger Conference Director CTI Symposia

Want to know more? Leave us a note and we will be happy to get in touch with you!