
Agenda 2024
2 December 2024
Foyer Room Estrel
Use this evening to register for the CTI Symposium 2024 and make your first contacts over a welcome drink in a friendly atmosphere.
3 December 2024 | Plenary Programme
Check-In and Opening of the Exhibition
Plenary Morning Session
Opening of the CTI SYMPOSIUM GERMANY 2024 by CTI and the Chairman

Plenary Morning Session
NIO’s Power Strategy for Europe, Combining Mobility and Energy Transition

Building a Sustainable Mobility Future: Challenges from Energy and Resource Markets
- Energy and Resource Requirements of Mobility
- Energy and Resource Scenarios
- Policy challenges

Indian Automotive Market – Trends and Regulations Insights and Case Study from a Tier 1

Joint discussion with the Plenary Speakers
Networking Coffee Break and visit to the CTI SYMPOSIUM Exhibition Company Presentations @ Expo Stage
10:30 Amsted
10:40 Warn Automotive
Daimler Truck on the Way to CO2 Neutrality
- Trucking industry has a significant lever towards global CO2 emission reduction targets
- Daimler Truck is following a dual strategy with H2 and BEV in order to substantially lower CO2 emissions
- Our new flagship eActros600 is the next big milestone on our pathway towards zero emissions

Electric Drives and the Transformation of the Automotive Industry: Framework Conditions and Opportunities

Panel Discussion: Does Regulation Kill Innovation?

Introduction of Start-Ups @ CTI (Part I)
Additive Drives – Brudeli – Deeper Pulse – dynamic E flow
Networking Lunch Break and Visit to the CTI SYMPOSIUM Exhibition
Don´t miss the Special Programme Features during the Networking Lunch Break!
12:35 Guided visit of the start-ups (Start-Up Area)
1:00 Women Networking Lunch (Room Europe)
1:30 Partner Presentations (Details see Deep Dive Sessions)
Deep Dive Sessions
Coffee Break and Visit to the CTI SYMPOSIUM Exhibition
Deep Dive Sessions
Plenary Afternoon Session
Innovation as Driver of the Future
- Tech innovation leads the way for transformative change.
- Innovations for a digital, circular, and electric world.
- Mobility options as flexible as our customers needs.

Departure to CTI NETWORKING NIGHT @ Arminius Markthalle
3 December 2024 | Deep Dive Sessions
– To see all presentations of a deep dive session, please navigate with the mouse over the presentations and scroll left and right by using the arrows.
– See more details about a presentation, simply click on it or download program pdf
during the Lunch Break
4 December 2024 | Plenary Programme
Check-In and Opening of the Exhibition
Plenary Morning Session
Opening of Day 2 by the Chairman

Plenary Morning Session
How Digital Transformation will Support Breakthrough in Time-To-Market Acceleration and Cost Reduction
- Context
- Towards the vehicle digital twin for time-to-market acceleration and cost reduction
- Focus on key digital simulation tools
- Achievements and perspective

Software Defined Vehicle in the AI Era

Status Quo of Battery Cell Production in Europe
- Strategic insights and industry developments
- Evaluating progress and innovations

Joint Discussion with the Plenary Speakers
Networking Coffee Break and visit to the CTI SYMPOSIUM Exhibition
Company Presentations @ Expo Stage
10:30 Jing-Jin Electric
10:40 Sumitomo
Panel Discussion: Back from the dead? ICE in passenger vehicles

Introduction of Start-Ups @ CTI (Part II)
EMIL – HCP Sense – hyperdrives – InnoShifting
Networking Lunch Break and Visit to the CTI SYMPOSIUM Exhibition
Don´t miss the Special Programme Features during the Networking Lunch Break!
11:50 Guided visit of the start-ups (Start-Up Area)
12:15 Women Networking Lunch (Room Europe)
12:45 Partner Presentations (Details see Deep Dive Sessions)
Deep Dive Sessions
Coffee Break and Visit to the CTI SYMPOSIUM Exhibition
Deep Dive Sessions
Change to Plenum
Summary and Closing by the Chairman
4 December 2024 | Deep Dive Sessions
– To see all presentations of a deep dive session, please navigate with the mouse over the presentations and scroll left and right by using the arrows.
– See more details about a presentation, simply click on it or download program pdf
during the Lunch Break
Networking Opportunities
In addition to an agenda fully packed with the most interesting and relevant updates on markets, strategies and technologies and an exhibition displaying the latest solutions and products, CTI SYMPOSIUM GERMANY provides you with extensive networking opportunities to get the most out of your time at the event.
See what we have organized beyond meeting with speakers during the lecture programme and with companies during the multiple breaks.
Women Networking
CTI organises an additional programme exclusively for women attending the event. Network and exchange experiences with female colleagues from the industry, there is something for every woman!
>>Women Networking Programme
Launched in 2023, CTI again organised a special programme for female delegates, exhibitors and speakers. Participate in this networking and benefit from the insights & exchange with fellow women!
Morning Coffee for the Curious – Get to know your Peers!
Find out what they do, how they got into the industry and what topics they would like to discuss. Start sharing experiences from your professional life.
Networking Lunch Break with Extra Perspectives
Moderated Roundtables: Automotive industry through female eyes
“Equity – what is it and how do we embed it within the workplace?”
Claire Saville, Operational Marketing Manager – Driveline, Infineum UK Ltd
“The value of mentoring – every hero needs a mentor”
Nicole von Wieding, Head of Project Management BEV Drives, Volkswagen AG
Walk the Floor
Visit selected exhibitors who will give insights into their technologies for sustainable mobility.
Meeting Point: Women Networking Area
Meet the Start-Ups (Women Only Group)
Meeting Point: Women Networking Area
Visit the Start-Up Area, meet the founders who present their innovations.
Networking Lunch Break with W-itamins
Opportunities for women in the automotive and supplier industries through/in the digital transformation.
Roundtable with