Message from the Chairman

Increased Traction at Reduced Cost – Powertrain goes Digital
The automotive industry is still experiencing a period of intense transformation. Decarbonisation and digitalisation, as well as global upheavals are challenging manufacturers and suppliers alike. New technologies, new competitors and new business models are changing the market and the global economic outlook at breakneck speed. In response, governments are seeking to strike a new balance between the development of sustainable mobility and the development of their economies while also having to acknowledge broader societal trends.
As a consequence, automotive manufacturers and suppliers are undergoing the greatest structural change in their history. In this time of tension and heightened uncertainty about the future, the purpose of the CTI Symposium Berlin is more relevant than ever: to provide orientation based on strong technical foundations and to set up fertile grounds for direct personal exchange.
In support of these objectives, we will focus on
- Cost reduction through virtual development processes
- Optimum vehicle integration of powertrain systems
- AI as an enabler for technological breakthroughs
- Novel powertrain technologies from Europe, the US and Asia
True to our heritage, the CTI SYMPOSIUM remains the best meeting place for manufacturers of passenger cars and commercial vehicles, system and component suppliers, engineering service providers, software developers, and market specialists.
The team at CTI looks forward to your proposals for the 24th CTI SYMPOSIUM in Berlin.
Best regards