Author: admin


For the second time running, this year‘s 15th CTI Symposium USA took place digitally due to Covid-19. But as chair Dr Hamid Vahabzadeh said when greeting participants, this has also changed the work of engineers in the automotive industry. This year there was even stronger emphasis on the two panel discussions. Their topics were complementary:…

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Like its predecessor, this year’s 15th CTI Symposium USA used a digital format. This did nothing to detract from the lively discussions on how best to continue the process of electrification. Besides two expert discussions, covered in an own article, and eight technical sessions, nine plenary speeches showed what’s moving the industry. Read more in…

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Innovative and cost-effective solutions for a new generation of vehicles – shape the Future with Feintool. Feintool masters the technologies needed to manufacture electric drive systems – whether battery or hydrogen-powered. We develop and produce components that will be used in the next generation of vehicles.

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Discover Emotors, the electric drive units’ manufacturer that serves the automotive industry with competitive, efficient and high quality products.

Discover Emotors, the electric drive units’ manufacturer that serves the automotive industry with competitive, efficient and high quality products.

Emotors is an independent electric powertrain manufacturer addressing the automotive global market. The company was formed in 2018 in France, as a joint venture between two leaders of the automotive market: Stellantis Group (4th world car manufacturer) and Nidec Group (1st world electric motor manufacturer). Through this strong collaboration and promising heritage, Emotors offers competitive,…

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Why venting is needed to protect drivetrain components

Why venting is needed to protect drivetrain components

The drivetrain is a vehicle’s muscle. During normal operation, components such as axles, transmissions, and power transfer cases undergo rapid differential pressure changes that can stress the seals and gaskets of their protective enclosures. These housings must have a way to exchange air with the environment while preventing the ingress of water, dirt, and debris…

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Anthropometric and demographic human related influence on automotive manual gearshift quality perception using artificial neural network

Abstract. Due to the increasing development of automation in passenger vehicles, the demand of analyzing Human Factors & Ergonomics (HFE) influence has become mandatory for the global automotive industry. Regarding manual transmission gearshift quality perception, few studies are available in published literature today applying HFE-based methodologies to predict driver perception and satisfaction with a given…

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Creating a Metal Prototype: A Quick Look at Your Options

Creating a Metal Prototype: A Quick Look at Your Options

In the world of prototyping, metal is often a go-to material, but there's more than one way to work it. Casting, CNC machining*, and 3D printing are all valid options, but which should you choose? If you're new to the industry or looking to create a metal prototype for the first time, this articel will…

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Contribution of Laser welding to powertrain electrification

Contribution of Laser welding to powertrain electrification

Fives group, 200 years of industrial revolution, from the Eiffel tower to electric vehicles. Fives designs and supplies machines, process equipment and production lines for the world’s largest automotive players. The Laser Systems business line intervenes from the prototyping phase to validate the Laser welding process and optical configurations, to the industrialization of a stand-alone…

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Highspeed production of traction motor stacks with bonding varnish (Backlack)

Highspeed production of traction motor stacks with bonding varnish (Backlack)

The expansion of electric mobility will require traction motors in massive numbers, with consistent quality and lowest possible cost per unit. Efficiency is of the essence taking into account the constraints of available space in the vehicle. Although the basic principle of traction motors for electric vehicles is identical to other electric motors, designers have…

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