This video interview is about the current trends in light vehicle electrification technology, range and charging requirements for the best viable product.
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“It’s the Ecosystem that Counts in E-Mobility”
There’s more to e-mobility than just drive electrification alone. It’s an ecosystem where infrastructure, connectivity, HMI, ADAS, security, etc. all interact as a system.
We asked Stephan Tarnutzer, President, AVL Powertrain Engineering Inc., what that means for the work of OEMs, suppliers and engineering service providers.
Continue readingInterview with Dr. Philipp Neubauer, Continental Engineering Services GmbH
This interview is about the new interlocking Dr Philipp Neubauer invented, his opportunities at the CTI Symposium and the next steps in his career.
Continue readingElectric Vehicle Fluids
With the rise of hybrid and electric vehicles (EVs), the automotive industry is going through one of the most profound shifts in its history. For consumers, the headlines are generally about how automakers are going green, which is undoubtedly positive news.
Continue readingInterview with Jincheng Zhou, FOURIN Inc.
Jincheng Zhou, Manager at FOURIN Inc. is talking in this interview about the trends in the automobile industry, the level of intelligent cars in the future and the situation in the chinese market, inter alia.
Continue readingPanel Discussion: Will regulation allow technology to match customer expectations?
Participants: Ulrich Walter (host) Prof. Dr Arno Kwade, Director, Institute for Particle Technology, Technische Universität Braunschweig Uwe Wagner, Chief Technology Officer and Member of the Board, Schaeffler
Continue readingDedicated Hybrid Transmission (DHT) by PUNCH Powerglide – an innovative concept for an optimized DHT in terms of efficiency, cost and packaging.
DHT Concept as Cost Reduction Opportunity Car manufacturers around the globe have to hybridize their vehicle range to meet increasingly challenging CO2 and emission standards. We all acknowledge that CO2, emissions and energy transition will be prevalent for the years to come.
Continue readingInterview with Gary Horvat, Navistar
"Electrification makes a lot of sence but it is really limited by the range of the battery packs and how far the trucks can actually go." Gary Horvat, Vice President of eMobility at Navistar Inc. is answering in this interview questions about electrification of heavy trucks, infrastructure and fuel cells.
Continue readingPlenary speech: E-Mobility for all – the concept behind
Frank Bekemeier, CTO e-Mobility, Volkswagen: “A no-compromise design for electric drives” Volkswagen is backing fully optimized BEVs. The brand recently launched its ID.3 – the first model based on the Modular Electric Drive Kit or MEB – and plans to build a whole family of vehicles on this platform.
Continue readingPlenary speech: BP energy outlook 2019 and solutions for advanced mobility
BP advocates more electrification and low/no-carbon fuels Oil company BP began publishing its annual 'Energy Outlook' in 2012. In Shanghai, David Hall presented extracts from the latest edition. Since any predictions for 2040 are obviously a long shot, Hall presented four different scenarios.
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