A transformation process began several months ago. A transformation process that was to be a solution to the then unimagined dimensions of a virus that posed huge challenges to the event industry.
Out of this transformation, the digital CTI SYMPOSIUM USA was born. We were forced to face many challenges. The time difference between the different continents of our community is only one of them. No easy task to bring such a large event into the digital space. But we felt that we could do it and together we made the impossible possible.
On behalf of the whole CTI team we wanted to thank you. Thank you for your trust, thank you for your flexibility and thank you for participating in our event this year. Let us walk together on the way to a better future.
76 lectures were held during the two days of the event and more than 300 interested participants attended, asked questions and discussed controversially. 16 exhibitors ventured into the digital world and represented themselves and their latest achievements. We united 12 countries from 3 continents, even Korea and India were represented, even though the program for them lasted well into the night. Over 2000 messages were exchanged to connect with peers and discuss ideas about the future of mobility. We are proud to have taken this step with you and are already looking forward to the international CTI SYMPOSIUM DE – Digital Edition, which will take place from the December.