Author: admin

Abstract: MAHLE’s contribution to the defossilization of the transport sector

Dr Jörg Stratmann, Chairman of the Management Board and CEO, MAHLE Group, Germany The transport sector accounts for almost one quarter of the global annual CO2-emissions, therefore significant contributions are needed in order to meet the sector target. At the same time, however, it is out common goal to secure individual mobility. To reconcile the…

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Abstract: Challenges in system-oriented design of electric drives

Prof. Dr Markus Henke, Managing Director Institute for Electrical Machines, Traction and Drives, TU Braunschweig, Germany The design of electrical machines is considered system-oriented and holistically. For the electromagnetic machine design, energy supply and control, cooling possibilities and material properties are included in the design process. These methods are illustrated by current research questions concerning…

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Abstract: Electrified heavy-duty transport from the perspective of research and industry

Claas Bracklo, Senior Consultant Electromobility, German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA), Germany Dr Patrick Plötz, Head of Business Unit Energy Economics, Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research (ISI), Germany CO2-Emissions of Trucks have to be reduced at least 30% by 2030 compared to 2019/2020. This requests emission free drive trains in long haul…

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The CTI SYMPOSIUM USA – Digital Edition a success

A transformation process began several months ago. A transformation process that was to be a solution to the then unimagined dimensions of a virus that posed huge challenges to the event industry. Out of this transformation, the digital CTI SYMPOSIUM USA was born. We were forced to face many challenges. The time difference between the…

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Abstract: BP energy outlook 2020 and solutions for advanced mobility

BPs latest outlook of energy demands to 2040 will be presented with scenarios to meet that energy demand and reduce overall carbon emissions; The forces that shape scenarios for the future and key uncertainties. Lower carbon roadmap options for energy, fuel and lubricant products will be presented, including lubricants designed to enable next generation electric…

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Abstract: A market segment approach for optimizing hybrid propulsion systems

To achieve a balance between powertrain costs and CO2 emissions, different levels of hybridization have been developed and will exist in parallel on the market for the mid-term future. Dedicated hybrid transmissions (DHT) are embedded in dedicated hybrid powertrains (DHP) which are used in full hybrids (HEV) and some plug-in hybrids (PHEV).

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